Notch changelog
Bugging on heavens door ✊🚪
Improvements and Bug fixes
Custom branding color is not applied on the table, but the user would expect?
Multiple TextStylingBars in TextEditor
Spelling Mistake in Offer in German
Externals can not check optional items in the offer table
Recipientoption toggles are not shown in German translation
The offer table total calculation is not correct
Problem with saving entries in tasks
The cursor jumps to the last line when deleting the first bullet point in a text ed.itor
The “Who is signing” modal should popup before verification sending
Bugs in Offer Table
Allow Embed option for every link
New Permission Setup
Issue with text editor jumping when dragged between title and main text area
Overview Page: Steps have not been marked as completed the video still opens
Users are immediately redirected to the space with a "sign now" modal that prompts them to sign the page